EMF 1000
The EMF Technology Unit is self-contained, solar-powered, and uses advanced technology to create the ideal conditions in water and wastewater. The EMF unit stimulates the water body with an electromagnetic signal, the effect of which distributes broadly across the waterbody. EMF increases the rate of gas transfer across the air-water interface. This leads to increased dissolved oxygen (DO) in the water column. The increased oxygen promotes aerobic conditions and suppresses anaerobic conditions.There are no observable negative effects on aquatic animals.
EMF Effects
The creation of an oxygen-rich environment suppresses the growth of anaerobic bacteria and restores the ecological balance of a healthy waterbody. The increase in aerobic conditions and aerobic bacteria population has numerous benefits including:

Growth of naturally occurring and non-pathogenic microorganisms on the bottom sediment;
A shift of the ammonia-nitrites/nitrates chemical equilibrium in favour of nitrites/nitrates;
Control of algae and aquatic overgrowth through the suppression of algal spores germination;
Digestion of unstable organic solids, limiting additional sludge accumulation and increasing usable waterbody capacity;
Partial conversion of free phosphorus into biologically unusable precipitates in the bottom sediment;
Lengthened intervals between dredging;
Decreased maintenance; and
Cost savings on energy expenditures.
