Aug 26, 20232 min read

IEM is committed to providing our clients with the most appropriate solutions to their health, safety and environmental management challenges.
IEM's approach is based on the following principles:
A thorough understanding of the task.
A sound appreciation of client requirements and schedules.
A clear definition of the issues.
An understanding of local conditions.
The need to understand and address stakeholders’ needs.
An understanding of regulatory processes and procedures.
Extensive knowledge, international experience and capability.
Practical and innovative science-based solutions.
Effective project management.
Efficient and effective use of resources.
Close client contact.
On time delivery of quality products and services.
As a client of IEM’s our commitment to you is to provide the highest quality, client-tailored consulting services:
To undertake project work in accordance with defined scope of work, agreed between the Company and its Clients;
To ensure that technical work is performed in accordance with relevant published standards, codes of practice, specifications, recognized professional guidance, statutory documents and other considerations;
To complete technical work within agreed time and financial budgets;
To foster technical advancement through training, technical discussion and technology transfer;
To carry out activities in accordance with established Quality Management Systems; and
To review and update technical skills and management practices to continually improve service to Clients.